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Report a crime, access police records, sign up for police alerts, and access other police services and resources. Report a crime by phone or online. Sign up to receive information from Berkeley Police Department through Nixle. Recover property or evidence held by the Berkeley Police Department at the Property and Evidence Room. Contact the Records Bureau for police records, including letters of…

The Police Accountability Board and the Office of the Director of Police Accountability provide civilian oversight of the Berkeley Police Department. Berkeley voters created the Police Accountability Board to provide independent civilian oversight of the Berkeley Police Department. The Board advises the public, City Council, and City Manager on policies, practices, and procedures of the…

Access mental health services provided by the City of Berkeley. Berkeley Mental Health provides mental health services to eligible adults, children, youth, and their families. Services focus on low-income residents and unhoused people with severe mental illnesses. Staff provide counseling and case management services with the goal of helping people to better manage their mental health symptoms,…

Discover which permits you need for your construction project, apply for them in person or online, and be sure to follow Berkeley's design parameters in your project plans. Research the most common types of permits, including Building, Zoning, Administrative Use, Engineering, and Fire Permits. Understand the process for getting the permits you need, from researching records, to submitting your…

Seismically retrofit your building to keep yourself and our community safer in case of an earthquake. If you own an unreinforced masonry or soft, weak, or open front building, you are required to retrofit your building. Other types of buildings may also benefit from retrofits to be better prepared for an earthquake. Find funding to help you pay for seismic retrofits, including grants, tax refunds…

Green buildings are key to Berkeley’s vision for a more sustainable future. Berkeley is committed to achieving sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Green buildings, which are more energy efficient and use renewable sources of energy, help set our community on a path to becoming a fossil fuel free city.